Remember Me?

Hi. Remember me? It's been a long time!  

I dusted off my laptop. Literally. I then proceeded to drop it on the floor.  It now makes this nasty crunching sound when I try to open it. It's possibly a sign I shouldn't start blogging again but I've never been good about paying attention to those sorts of things. I had to reset my blog password and remember how to use my blog platform.  It took me like a month to write this post. But dude, I'm back. I think.

Decor and the Dog is probably going to look a little different.  It will probably be a little more lifestyle (Ugg. I know, right?) and probably only once a week.  Consider yourself warned.  I do, however, have 2 years worth of house updates to catch you up on. (Okay, really one year because we literally did nothing the first year of Clark's life.) I can, in no way, keep up with the big guys that do it for a living. (Honestly, I don't want to. I'm exhausted thinking about it. The staging. The money.)  Just know there will be less. If this isn't your thing, I TOTALLY GET IT! Keep pretending that I don't exist! Cool? Cool!

You're probably wondering what we've been up to? (The 3 of you still reading this! Hey, Mom!) 

Clark 2nd Birthday-931.jpg

I'm still working as a pharmacist but I've gone down to three days per week. This gives me a wonderful work/mom life balance. I work for a great company that has been very supportive of this decision. I honestly haven't been doing a whole of crafting/diy-ing in the past 2 years. My focus has been on raising our kid. Turns out babies are needy. Who knew? As Clark is becoming more independent, I've been slowly tackling a few projects. Bringing back the blog is one of those projects. I need a place to dump the words.

Nate took a new job over a year ago. Can we get a high-five for no more crazy tax season hours?!?  He's been so happy with the change. He's been busy with some building projects and keeping the rest of us out of trouble.

Clark is now 2. *insert cheesy crap about kids growing up too quickly/time flying/yadda yadda*.  The kid has a giant personality. He's a chatterbox that's in love with his dog, cleaning, and bossing us around.

We can't forget the most important, Ike. Ike is still living the life. He's spoiled rotten. He's refusing to believe that he's 10.5 years old and he's as spunky as ever!  He's currently stuck in a cone of shame after a mass removal (Benign! THANK GOODNESS!). He's enjoying having a tiny human to feed him things he shouldn't be eating and to throw his ball 1000 times a day.

I look forward to sharing more ahead! If you have questions, post topics, etc. Send them my way!  Who's still reading this? Tell me more about you!