Tour Through Blogland

Today is a big day.  I'm participating in the Tour Through Blogland.  (Google it. It's a thing. I swear.)  My buddy, Caitlin, over at Desert Domicile asked me to join in on the fun.  I can never turn down blog fun.

If you're new here, run.  I kid.  It's not all bad.  I have a super cute dog.

The Tour Through Blogland includes a few questions and snooping through my house.  I'll post some of my favorites but you can take the full tour here!  (The full tour includes sources and paint colors!)

Here's the exterior of our house.  We needed a color besides the traditional tan or white.  Blue it was.  I love this color so much.  We've actually had strangers stop by to ask us about the siding we used. 

Decor and the Dog Exterior

Our kitchen is one of my favorite rooms in the house!  After adding beadboard to the island, finding the perfect stools, installing a backsplash and painting the room, I think I might just be done with this room.  I think.

Decor and the Dog kitchen

Wait. I still need curtains.  (Update on Wednesday!!!)

Decor and the Dog Kitchen

Our dining room is also on the done list.  Our favorites in include our farmhouse table, painted chairs, dining cart and cow art!

Farmhouse Table Reveal

Here's our master bath.  You can read all about our upgrades to this room right here!

Decor and the Dog Master Bath

I lost my mind one weekend and stenciled our powder room.  I sort of want to paint over it.  I also probably need to up my meds.

Decor and the Dog Powder Room

Now for the interview.

What are you working on right now?

I am currently working on the never-ending living room project.  My walls are three different colors.  There is only sub-flooring in my living room.  My poor dog doesn't know where to sleep. But it's going to be totally rad when it's done.

Living Room Progress

We're going to have a two story wall o' molding.  There will be wood floors throughout.  We also have plans for for a new mantel/book shelf.  It sounds magical.  I can't wait.

How does your work differ from others in the genre?

Hmmm.  I think my "work" differs from others in that we built our home from scratch.  Even though we built 6 years ago, there is still a lot of work to be done.  We built with "builder basic" finishes and we're slowly working to upgrade them.  One of Nate's friends recently commented "Your vintage 2010 home in need of updates?"  It is smart aleck friend, it is.

I think my "work" also differs from others in that I live in the middle of nowhere.  We have to get creative when it comes to furniture and decor.  I can't just swing by IKEA or West Elm for a new dresser or coffee table.  Our lack of options has led us to designing/building furniture.

Also, my dog is ridiculously cute.  Like not just cute but REALLY cute.

Cutest Wire Fox Terrier in the world.

Why do you write and create what you do?

Writing and creating are my favorite things in life.  I daydream about paint colors and fabric swatches.  I didn't realize how much I missed writing until I started blogging.  My career as a pharmacist limits the amount of time to create each day so I savor every second that I get! Blogging has also led me to a great group of people that all share a similar interest.  It's awesome to have people to bounce your crazy ideas off of!

How does your writing and creative process work?

My writing process.  Hmmm.  Do I have a process?  I think so. Maybe?

I try to write my posts on Sunday evenings.  It's been tough this Summer because there is always something fun going on.  Although blog writing is fun for me, real life fun always wins.  The blog isn't my job so I try to sneak posts in when I can.  I aim for posting three days a week mainly because I have lots of stories to share and I don't want to get too far behind.  I wish I could be one of those bloggers that has posts scheduled weeks in advance.  I can never make it work. I'll get too excited about what's currently going on and just leave those "pre-written" posts as drafts.  If I don't get my 3 posts written on Sunday evenings, I try to sneak them in during a weeknight or I just post what I have.  I used to be a freak about posting on a schedule.  And then I realized that no one besides me truly cares. That's a hard thing to swallow as a narcissist blogger. It generally takes me about 1 hour to write a post.  Some more.  Some less.

Passing The Torch

This is the part where I'm supposed to nominate (Not to be confused with dominate which I may or may not have posted in a blog group.  The English language is pesky.) other bloggers to continue the tour.  I remembered last night at about 5PM that I was supposed to do so.  Needless to say, I pass on the blogland tour torch to anyone that wants to participate.  Leave me a comment and I'll add a link to your blog (and send you some info).  You will post next Monday!

***edit:   Create Bake and Celebrate and Little Lindsay Homemaker will be carrying on the tour (and keeping me from looking like a loser blogger!)  Thanks, ladies!  Be sure to check out their posts next week!***