Stroll Down Memory Lane
/It’s Friday and we all know what that means….
It’s time to take another stroll down memory lane and check out where we were on our house building process 3 years ago…
3 Years Ago This Week:
Stairs to the basement were built. No more walking all away around the house to go from the basement to the first floor…

The laundry room was framed. The Jack and Jill shower/bath was installed. The little blue boxes were the start of the installation of the electrical outlets. In the rafters you can the start of the installation of the recessed lighting for the walk-way.

The front entry roof was completed…

Almost all of the windows were installed (except for a couple that were ordered wrong by the lumber company..slackers…) and the whole house was wrapped in Tyvek to prepare for siding over the 4th of July week-end…

There you have it…our house in its’ underwear….3 years ago this week!
Any big 4th of July plans? We are spending the long week-end at home. Hopefully working on some projects, watching some fireworks, grilling, and relaxing!! Happy 4th!