Dining Room Crown Molding
/Along with working on our guest bedroom (read about that process here), Nate and his dad hung crown molding in our dining room…and it’s pretty…

(Nate snapped these photos before I returned our glassware to the hutch…you can never be to safe around this house!)
How’d we do it? Exactly the same as the office (read about the process here) except we did have to deal with this vent that was installed a little too close to the ceiling…

Here’s our easy fix...
The vent is a return vent. This vent pulls air from the room and returns it to the geothermal system to properly cool/heat the house. It’s an important vent but not so important that we couldn’t touch it.
We removed the cover…(we apologize for the poor light balance…)

We hung the crown molding as we did in the rest of the room…

Nate then replaced the vent cover by screwing it into the wall in it’s new location. We may lose a tiny amount of air circulation by doing this but not enough to affect the heating/cooling of our house.
(We still needed to fill in the splice where the crown meets above the vent.)

There you have it. Another room checked off the crown molding to-do list!

What do you think of the vent fix? Would you have noticed if I hadn’t pointed it out?
Next on my to-do list….learn how to set the table all pretty and grown-up like. Growing up my family didn’t use anything fancy like table cloths….or matching dinnerware for that matter…so there will be some blog/pinterest stalking in the future for fancy table decorating ideas. Do you have any you want to share?