Project Nursery: Round 1

Project Nursery: Round 1

You know when you write a really long blog post about the start of your kid's nursery and then you hit save and it freezes and loses your entire post even though it's supposed to at least save some as you go?  Yeah, I wouldn't know about that either.  Oh, wait.  So this post will probably have less words (probably better) and more run on sentences (Probably worse. Eh.)

Anywho, we started this nursery this weekend!  My parents were kind enough to come down and help with some DIY projects around the house.  I felt bad that they were painting my nursery Sunday morning while I was making breakfast but I figured homemade biscuits and gravy and growing their first grandchild would be a fair enough trade for them.  (THANK YOU PARENTAL UNITS.)

The room we chose for the nursery is one that hasn't been seen here much on the blog. Mainly because it looked like this.

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Laundry Room Makeover Reveal

Laundry Room Makeover Reveal

Do you all remember when I agreed to participate in a 6 week room makeover challenge with some of my favorite blog buddies?  (If not, you can read more here.)

I basically waited until yesterday to start.  I mean, I did make a pretty awesome vintage clothespin mirror but other than that.  Nothing.  The place was a pigsty.

Participating in this challenge was totally worth it even just to motivate me to clean out this room yesterday.  I'm kind of loving how it turned out.  Basically because it's clean.  It also feels more like current Michelle.  Not Michelle circa 2009. Although 2009 Michelle's hobby was cleaning so there's that.  I should channel my past lame self.

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Living Room Updates {IKEA Stockholm Rug}

Living Room Updates {IKEA Stockholm Rug}

Ike is pretty pumped.  He has a new chair.  Now all he needs is a robe and a cigar. 

We've talked to him about the dangers of smoking.  He swears he'll only use the cigar as a prop.

On a recent trip to IKEA, I picked up the Strandmon chair.  Nate and I both liked it's quirk and velvety fabric.

Ike likes that it makes him look extra sophisticated.

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