Chicago Weekend

Chicago Weekend

Everyone's favorite question for me lately is "How's the nursery coming?"  The answer is "It's not.  It looks the same as we last left it on the blog."  Why?  BECAUSE WE'RE NEVER HOME.  Last week, however, we did manage to find day care AND a pediatrician.  SO BACK UP OFF US.  The nursery is on the to-do list the next few weekends.  Of which we are mostly home.  Mostly.

The weekend before last we went to Chicago with my parents.  My dad had free Cubs tickets and we're always looking for an excuse to head to the Windy City.

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Vacation Life

Vacation Life

It's funny how fast time goes on vacation.  Sort of rude too.

Nate and I are thoroughly enjoying our time here in Sanibel.  The weather could get it's act together but it is still better than Iowa's so we won't complain.  I mean, it's 37 back home right now and 74 here.  Why don't we live in Florida?

I had planned to blog more but we've taken most of our photos with the DSLR.  Nate likes to shoot them in fancy photographer mode (RAW) and the laptop we brought doesn't have any fancy photo editing software.  #bloggerfail

Here's what we've been up to according to fancy phone photos.  So basically a lot of Instagram food photos.

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